Integral UltimaPRO X 480GB SSD Review

UltimaPRO X 480GB SSD Benchmark Results – 80% Full

ATTO Disk Benchmark
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD ATTO Disk Benchmark-Full

During my ATTO test, the Integral UltimaPro X 480GB performed just the same as when I tested it with a 100% free capacity.

HD Tune Pro
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD HD Tune Pro File Benchmark-Full

CrystalDiskMark 3.0.3
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD CrystalDiskMark Benchmark-Full

AS SSD Benchmark
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD AS SSD Benchmark-Full Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD AS SSD iops Benchmark-Full
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD AS SSD Copy Benchmark-Full Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD AS SSD Compression Benchmark-Full

Anvil’s Storage Utilities
Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD Anvil Compressible Benchmark-Full

Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD Anvil Mixed Benchmark-Full

Integral UltimaPro X 480GB SSD Anvil Incompressible Benchmark-Full

As you can see from the benchmark results above, the Ultima Pro X 480GB performed just the same even at 80% full capacity. In fact, in some tests the numbers improved a little bit but not enough to bring noticeable difference in terms of performance. Finally let’s move on to the conclusion part.

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Peter Paul
Peter is a PC enthusiast and avid gamer with several years of hands-on experience in testing and reviewing PC components, audio equipment, and various tech devices. He offers a genuine, no-nonsense perspective, helping consumers make informed choices in the ever-changing world of technology.

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