Boost Your Business’s Online Security With These 7 Useful Tips

No matter how big or small your business is, it probably operates online, which means you’re vulnerable to all security vulnerabilities that come with the internet. We are going to address the most common security pressure points and talk about how to secure your business. Let’s dig in!

Boost Your Business's Online Security With These 7 Useful Tips

1. Educate Everyone

To ensure that no security slip-ups happen, the best thing you can start with is education. Everyone involved needs to have at least some sense of what the current cyber threats are. Whether it’s password etiquette, phishing training, or something bigger, make sure everyone is on board with your security regimen.

There’s plenty of free material online, but there are also paid interactive courses for your employees to help them understand cybersecurity better.

2. Make Secure Backups

Having a secure backup of your essential data is a must! It’s not only a matter of “bookkeeping” as a lot of people think. Backups are there to help you recover after a mishap, be it a simple loss of files or a full-on cyber attack.

You can go with the on-site backup route that includes servers and dedicated physical space to store the hardware. There’s also the option of cloud storage for business, which, for now, mainly offers more pros than cons. Both options are effective, with the former usually being more expensive.

Additionally, while you create the backup, you’ll get a complete insight into the data you have at your disposal.

3. Set a Standard Cybersecurity Perimeter

Surely, your business doesn’t require the same level of cybersecurity as a company like Apple. But you should still set a standard cybersecurity perimeter including the most important measures. A cybersecurity perimeter includes many things, like:

  • Anti-virus and anti-malware software
  • A backup plan for your data
  • Regular checkups and updates
  • Penetration testing and simulations
  • Contingency plans for times when a cyber attack does happen

To keep a decent security perimeter, you don’t always need to have a team of professionals at your disposal. Start small and scale up as your business scales as well.

4. Use Encryption

Nowadays, you can spot encryption everywhere. From cryptocurrencies to end-to-end messaging apps, encrypted data storage, and VPNs – encryption is making its way into our online lives.

Now, if you deal with any form of sensitive data, you should store, send, and receive it in encrypted form. This way, even if someone does get to it, your data will be impossible to decipher for outsiders.

5. Take Care of Sensitive Data

Once you know which files need to remain secure, you’ll have other things to cover besides storage. Handling sensitive data means that you have to take care of how (or rather from where) you’re sending it.

This means that you should never exchange personal, medical, client, or financial info over unsecured connections (like public WiFi). And even if you absolutely must do it, use anti-malware software and a VPN to minimize the risks.

6. Don’t Neglect Password and Credential Security

This goes for anyone with access to your business accounts. Everyone should have their passwords in check. Here are a few tips on password etiquette:

  • Don’t use the same password twice
  • Avoid using actual words in your passwords (rather, try to be gibberish)
  • Use special characters and numbers. Go as complex as you can.
  • Update and change passwords frequently

7. Keep Software and Devices Updated

Lastly, we have to talk about the ever-boring concept of keeping your devices updated. App and hardware updates often contain security patches that protect your device from past cyber threats or even the malware in circulation at the moment of the update.

So update your firewall, your anti-malware software, and your OS. Also, don’t forget about your digital tools and hardware. By hardware, we mean router firmware updates or, in some cases, server updates.

To Sum It Up

Keeping your business safe and sound from cyber threats is all about one thing – prevention. The best thing you can do is make sure you do your part – educate your team members, set a security protocol, handle sensitive data carefully, and make backups.

Even if an odd case of malware does go through, you’ll have a backup to rely on.

Photo of author
Luke C

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