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Work-Life Balance in the Electricity Business

Sometimes, in pursuit of a career and a good salary, you have to sacrifice other aspects of life – free time, communication with your family, and even health. This topic worries psychologists, employees, and company leaders around the world. The imbalance between work and personal life leads to a drop in productivity, as well as problems with mental and physical health. Conversely, those who excel in the five elements of well-being – career, social, financial, physical, and community – perform better. In this article, we will look at tricks on how to maintain work-life balance if you work in the electricity business.

Separate Work Time from Personal Time

Separate Work Time from Personal Time

Set a start and end time for your work day and remember to stick to those limits. During working hours, concentrate on work issues as much as possible. Try not to be distracted by personal matters during the day – let them wait until the evening. Among the jobs available in Delmarva and other regions, you can find the opportunity to separate work and personal time.

When working hours are over, turn off corporate messengers, close your email inbox, and go about your business. Chat with family, meet friends, go for a walk, play sports, read books or watch your favorite TV shows. The main thing is to postpone all work questions, do not answer routine emails and messages in chats.

Plan Your Working Time

Learn different time management techniques and find the one that suits you to organize your work day. This will help increase productivity and manage to do everything planned in the allotted time. You do not have to rush to finish tasks in the evening or on weekends.

Plan Your Leisure Time

Sometimes overtime happens because of the absence of plans for leisure pastimes. The work day is over, but there are no plans for the evening – why not answer a letter or finish a project quickly? And now the evening smoothly flows into the night, and you are still working.

To prevent this from happening, make plans for your time too. Arrange a meeting with friends in advance, plan a trip to a museum, theater, or concert, and make a schedule for training in the gym.

Of course, it’s not worth making grandiose plans or determining minute-by-minute timings for the weekend. But if the rest is planned, then it is less likely that it will get lost in the routine of household chores or be disturbed by unplanned work.

Do Not Work on Weekends and Vacations

Allow yourself to relax and not think about work on weekends. All routine questions will wait until Monday. Before going on vacation, warn colleagues that you will not be there and ask them not to disturb you during your vacation.

make time for yourself

Make Time for Yourself

As you balance work and family, make sure you have time for yourself. This is especially important if the work in the electricity business involves people, and during the day you have to communicate a lot. Set aside time to be alone and quiet: this could be a short meditation, a walk, or reading a book – any activity that allows you to relax and recharge.

Avoid Integrating Your Workspace Into Your Personal Space

The boundary between work and personal space is often blurred in remote work. Here is a laptop: during the day you work on it, and in the evening you turn on a movie or series. Here is the sofa: now it serves not only as a place of rest but also as an intercom for calling colleagues. The workspace seems to grow into a personal one, in which you are used to relaxing.

Work-life balance is the separation of professional and personal spheres, in which they complement each other. If everything is in order with balance, you work productively and enjoy it. There is no universal recipe for how many hours a day you need to devote to work, how many to your family, and how many to yourself. The search for balance must be approached in terms of priorities. What brings satisfaction to one person may not be meaningful to another. Each individual has a set of values, and it is essential to understand what charges you emotionally, gives you energy, and helps you feel the pleasure of life.

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Luke C

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