Zotac MEK1 Gaming PC Review – Powered with GeForce GTX 1070 Ti and Intel Core i7 CPU

Zotac MEK1 2160p Gaming Benchmark Results

In this page let’s see if the Zotac MEK1 can handle 4K gaming. In this test, all graphics settings are set to ultra or very high as well; and the resolution of the monitor is set to 3840×2160. The MEK1’s GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, in general, isn’t really the graphics card for 4K gaming. Even the mighty GTX 1080 Ti can’t even achieve 60 fps on ALL game titles at max graphics settings. But this doesn’t mean you can’t play games at 4K UHD with the Zotac MEK1. If you want to play games at 2160p resolution, you can get better frame rates if you tone down or adjust the graphics settings of the game, disable anti-aliasing and other effects. However, eSports games or MOBA games are usually less graphics intensive and Zotac MEK1 may be able to drive those games at 4K UHD with good frame rates.

Below are the benchmark results I got with the Zotac MEK1 at 4K UHD (2160p) resolution:

Finally, let’s proceed to the next page and conclude this review.

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Peter Paul
Peter is a PC enthusiast and avid gamer with several years of hands-on experience in testing and reviewing PC components, audio equipment, and various tech devices. He offers a genuine, no-nonsense perspective, helping consumers make informed choices in the ever-changing world of technology.

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